September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Social media use has increased considerably during the pandemic. Individuals may vent or openly post about issues on social media platforms. There may be posts about struggles, addiction, or other behavioral health issues. We want to make you aware of an incident that was live-streamed on social media as your patients may use social media platforms, and could end up seeing this video...
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There have been many challenges impacting children and adolescents during the pandemic. It is important for Allied Healthcare Professionals to remain aware of risk factors. This includes treatment either via telehealth or in person. Minors who were struggling before the pandemic are at higher risk...
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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. There has been a rise in intimate partner violence following the COVID-19 pandemic, and victims have delayed reaching out to health care services until the late stages of the abuse cycle...
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We cannot turn on the news without hearing about challenges teachers are facing with providing remote classrooms, challenges parents are facing with trying to work remotely while their children are participating in remote classrooms, or challenges children, teens, or college students are facing with remote classrooms or transitioning to in-person learning. The way treatment is being provided by Allied Healthcare Professionals has shifted in the wake of COVID-19...
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As an Allied Healthcare Professional (AHP), it is important to listen, educate yourself, and gain an understanding that will allow effective interactions with people of all cultures and backgrounds. All AHPs, at some point in their careers, will encounter patients of differing backgrounds, and it is critical to ensure that all patients are treated equally...
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