Do you own your own business?
TRMS business office insurance combines many of the essential coverages needed by a typical small to medium-sized business into one package policy.
With one convenient policy, you can be protected against fire, theft, lawsuits, and more. In addition, you can purchase optional coverages allowing you to tailor a policy that meets the unique needs of your business today and as it evolves.
Business Office Insurance - Highlights
Coverage for Your Business Office
Coverages essential for your business are available through a commercial package policy. A package policy combines property and liability coverage in one policy.
Commonly provided coverages include:
- Property insurance, which protects your office and its contents and your building if owned.
- Business Interruption insurance (providing coverage for losses caused when you have to close or your reduce operations for a period time due to a covered property loss). Business Interruption insurance can provide money to offset lost profits or to pay continuing expenses (typically for up to a year for insured losses) after a covered property loss.
- Commercial Crime insurance covering loss of money or securities (coverage up to $10,000 sublimit) resulting from burglaries, robberies, or destruction, as well as losses from employee theft or embezzlement (coverage up to $50,000 sublimit).
- Fine Arts coverage up to $15,000 sublimit at each insured premises.
- Valuable Papers and Accounts Receivables coverage up to $25,000 sublimit.
- Personal Property stored off premises coverage up to $25,000 sublimit.
- Fire Department Service coverage up to $1,000 sublimit.
- Sewer and Drain Back Up coverage up to $25,000 sublimit.
- Commercial General Liability coverage for Bodily Injury and Property Damage caused by the negligence of you or your employees or where your products or services cause harm to other people or their property.
- Personal and Advertising Injury coverage for liability for copyright infringements, libel, or slander.
- Medical Payments coverage for medical expenses resulting from injury to others on premises you own or rent.
- If you purchase Commercial General Liability, there is an option for rented vehicle coverage also known as Hired Auto coverage - provides liability coverage for autos leased, hired, or borrowed by the insured. Non-owned Auto coverage provides liability for employees using their personal auto in the business of an insured. Both coverages provide only liability coverage. A business auto policy is needed if physical damage coverage is desired.
- Equipment Breakdown coverage, which protects you if your equipment is damaged from power surges, mechanical breakdown, burnout, or operator error.
With one convenient policy, you can be protected against fire, theft, lawsuits, and more. In addition, you can purchase optional coverages allowing you to tailor a policy that meets the unique needs of your business today and as it evolves.
Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company, Philadelphia, PA and its U.S.-based Chubb underwriting company affiliates. Program administered by Trust Risk Management Services, Inc. The product information above is a summary only. The insurance policy actually issued contains the terms and conditions of the contract. All products may not be available in all states. Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit new.chubb.com. Chubb Limited, the parent company of Chubb, is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CB) and is a component of the S&P 500 index. Coverage may not be available in all states.