Certified Peer Recovery Specialists play a unique role in recovery. They help people on the path to recovery from mental illness or substance abuse. CPRSs are peers; they have firsthand experience with mental illness and/or substance abuse and can offer support and understanding. These professionals use their personal recovery experiences and stories to help others.
This policy also affords General Liability protection and a number of significant coverages including the following features:
- Coverage is written on an Occurrence basis
- Standard Professional Liability limits are $1 million/$3 million with options available for other limits on request
- Individual protection for Professional Liability, Personal Injury Liability, acts as a Good Samaritan, General Liability, and Fire/Water Legal Liability exposures
- Group practices and entities may purchase separate General Liability limits
- Other important coverages include: Licensing Board Defense, Defendant's Reimbursement Benefit, Deposition Fees and Expenses, Assault, Medical Expense, First Aid, Damages to Property of Others, HIPAA Fines and Penalties and Consumer Notification Cost and Sexual Misconduct
- There is no deductible—The policy covers first dollar defense expenses and indemnity
- The cost of defense does not reduce your coverage (i.e., defense costs are paid in addition to the policy’s limits)
- 24-hour worldwide coverage, provided the claim is brought in the United States, its territories or possessions, or Canada.
Premium discounts are also available for:
- Newly Licensed Practitioners 50%
- Part Time Practitioners 50%
- Continuing Education 10%
- Switching your coverage to TRMS 10%
- Applying Online 5%
- Group Policies 4%
Note - In IL Personal Injury, General Liability and Host Liquor Liability and Fire/Water Legal Liability are not included in the professional limits however may be purchased as a separate limit. In NY General Liability and Host Liquor Liability and Fire/Water Legal Liability are not included in the professional limits however may be purchased as a separate limit. Discounts are subject to terms and conditions per state and may vary in percentage or not be available in each state or for each profession. Maximum combined discounts for any state not to exceed 50%. Discounted premiums are subject to a minimum premium.